
to mhnyma

poster design / press material for a theatre play

APUS / Naif

to mhnyma

the message

poster design, press material, video & web design

What remains of a human if you take away his start and his ending?

“They” gave them a message to deliver to “Him”. They told them to walk straight, but they have gone lost and they can´t remember the message. They are two messengers without a message.

An absurd farce
written by Argiris Chionis

directed by Anthi Founta
dramaturgy: APUS, Anthi Founta, Antonis Kyriakakis, Giorgos Paterakis
choreography: Efthimis Christou
Light technician: Konstantinos Anagnostou
costums: [functional clothing lab]

Actors (2023):
Maria Menegaki
Anthi Founta

Actors (2021/22):
Antonis Kyriakakis
Giorgos Paterakis


services rendered

Booklet Layout

Poster Desgin

Web Design